NCR Signage

Strategy behind the Standard
Comprehensive destination signing is key to the provision of safe and attractive places to walk, wheel and ride. Signage on the National Cycle Routes (NCRs) should be clear and consistent and present correct information to users. Signs should increase route legibility and branding, as well as reinforce responsible cycling behaviour. It should be part of a network-wide signing strategy directing users to and from the National Cycle Network and to trip generators such as hospitals, universities, colleges and places of interest.

Best Practice Guidance to be used by Essex Highways
Sustrans – 5. Signing and Wayfinding
Traffic Signs and Regulations and General Directions – Schedule 12

ECC Recommendations
NCRs should be signed with a mix of signs, surface markings and wayfinding measures. Every junction or decision point should be signed. Consistency along the route should be achieved by using a standardised palette of colours, symbols, text sizing and sign shapes.

Signage, wayfinding and street furniture should be consolidated and rationalised along the route, where possible, to reduce clutter along the cycle network and the amount of information cyclists have to process. The approach to introducing these features needs to be sensitive to the environment and should not erode the aesthetic appeal of the route.

All signs must clearly indicate the NCR number as indicated by TSRGD schedule 12, part 11, item 3 at a minimum.

Examples in Essex

NCR 1, Fox Burrows Ln, Chelmsford

NCR 1, Kelvedon Rd Jn, Wickham Bishops